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Banska Stavnica Historical VR Tour

Project Details

In this project, historical credibility was important; thus, as references for character clothing, we used scanned items from the local museum. Also, the original outlines of the city were preserved.

Particularly challenging tasks solved in the project are as follows:

  • Conveying emotions and phrases of the characters by means of animation of body movements;
  • Aligning the 3D-scan of the city (previously optimized) with the ground surface obtained using geo data;
  • Simulation of fluid in Houdini and its transfer to Unity;

In the application more features were implemented:

  1. Setting up regular communication that allows our team and clients to deal with a structured and transparent development process and deliver a valuable final product on time.
  2. Optimizing the scanned town model to enable the virtual reality system to render this model in real-time. The original model included 16 million polygons and 14 textures in 8K resolution.
  3. Сreating realistic water imitation in real-time. In one of the scenarios, the mine was flooding with water after the explosion. We built a simulation of fluid in Houdini and transferred it to Unity.
  4. Implementing a shader for mixing textures based on a heightmap. We developed a shader that blends several materials depending on the vertices' color. This shader enabled us to achieve a high level of detail and add variety to the cave walls.
  5. Preparing blend shapes used in facial animation to transition between expressions — like a character breaking into a smile from a neutral expression, and batching the character's jaw movements with actual speech.
  6. Optimizing scanned items from the local museum to provide a high level of historical credibility.

Additional plugins:

  • SteamVR
  • VRTK
  • Amplify Shader editor
  • LipSync Pro (Rogo Digital)
  • Splines (Dreamteck)

Project Crew

Unity, Blender, Substance, Substance Painter, Photoshop, Houdini, Autodesk 3ds Max, AVPro, CurvedUI, Amplify Shader Editor, OpenVR SDK, LipSync Pro
Web product
Substance Painter
Autodesk 3ds Max
Amplify Shader Editor
Time iconTime Spent

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