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ChattyBox Series

Project Details

Learn English, French, German, Hebrew, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Japanese in a playful way: ChattyBox makes use of mixed media, educational videos and games to improve the learning process.

What you will find in ChattyBox:

  1. 500 key vocabulary words
  2. 5 learning exercises turned into games
  3. 1 oral expression exercise
  4. A choice of rewards for the kids: watching cute videos and playing games

The problems that we solved when developing the application:

  1. An application that meets the requirements of "Made for kids" on both platforms (iOS, Android), including a mandatory subscription monetization model. 
  2. System of quick updates of rewards (mini-games, videos).
  3. Advanced vocabulary suggestion and rewards system for gaming sessions.
  4. Support for off-line mode.
  5. Supports 15 localizations: Arabic, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. 

Technologies that were used in the development:

  1. 8 versions of applications for each language, for Android, iOS.
  2. Using graphic assets in vector and bitmap format.
  3. Asset bundles as mini-games to realize rewards for the user.
  4. A system for storing assets on the server with the ability to update without republishing the application.
  5. Internal database (SQLite) of words and user progress.
  6. Unity Analytics (not available in the final version), AppsFlyer for analytics.
  7. Integration of the service SoapboxLabs for recognizing the child's speech and assessing the correct pronunciation (not available in the final version).

Help video for users.

Project Crew

Frontend Development
Unity for Mobile development
Web product

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