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Project Details

Travel to beautiful worlds and complete different interactive meditations. 

Take a break and time for yourself โ€” however, whenever, and wherever you want.


  • Redefine what it means to meditate: light lanterns in a peaceful Lake Village, create your own Sound Bath in a Japanese House, and more in our Interactive Meditations all designed to help you chill.
  • Guided meditations on immersive worlds with soothing music and visuals designed to help you reflect within, get ready for sleep in a cozy Snowy Mountain Village, and more.
  • The more calming energy you generate, the more worlds and activities you unlock. All designed to help you build a habitual meditation practice.
  • Stretch and move your body for physical calming energy on worlds like a calming Tropical Beach.

The application is being developed for mobile virtual reality Oculus systems. Each scene contains a set of passive and active (interaction with objects and environment) meditations. 

Each exercise contains an audio guide that accompanies the user with a description of the correct execution and the intensity of the exercise. 

Various locations help the user to abstract himself in the virtual universe. The presence of active exercises (animal feeding, musical cauldrons, etc.) nicely complements meditation with pleasant relaxing experiences. 

We developed the application after the prototype, adding new scenes, interactivity, organization of architecture and data, performing numerous optimizations for the platform. 

We created graphics ourselves and on the basis of purchased assets.

When developing the application, we used:

  • Unity
  • Plastic SCM
  • Oculus Quest / Quest2
  • Oculus SDK
  • VR Interactions Framework
  • Bakery Lightmaps
  • Impostor
  • Magic Lightmap Switcher
  • PlayFab
  • Amplify Shader Editor
  • Bird Flocks

Project Crew

Frontend Development
Testing & QA
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