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Onix StarterKit
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Project Details

We created a Starterkit, allowing you to save up to 140 hours of development and receive a full-ranged basic functionality for your future application. 

Did you ever think about how many hours take trivial standard functions in the app development process? 

We counted - from 100 to 150 hours!
Following the principle of effectiveness and innovation, we decided to create a flexible solution to not waste time on a trivial first sprint and concentrate on the functional and individual specifics of the future app.
This is our PHP starter kit - when we start working with the client on the new app development, we can immediately raise the back and front of the app.
The flexible system consists of the necessary set of standard app functions - it allows you to add, change or remove every function. Based on the starter kit our clients don't waste time and money on developing standard app functions - it's an effective and innovative approach.

The PHP starter kit included in the package: 

  • Authentication/Authorization through login/password
  • Social accounts and authentication via OAuth
  • The ability to connect a social account is required for registration
  • Onboarding for new users, where the system asks them for their data
  • Reset passwords
  • Two roles, user and admin
  • Editable user profile
  • A basic dashboard that can be expanded with reports requested by the client
  • The system of sending letters is based on queues
  • Account confirmation system via email
  • User action tracking system, the admin sees all events, and the user sees his own
  • Management of system users with the possibility of editing, adding, and deleting
  •  The system of inviting users to the system
  • File upload with the possibility of validating files in the context of the model to which this file is uploaded
  • Downloading files by URL
  • The client immediately receives a staging website
  • All code is decorated to generate Swagger API documentation
  • Configured a system of automatic code quality control
  • Integrated Sentry service for catching errors
  • The project is dockerized and mounting it on a local machine is simple (2 commands) and documented
  • All lists come with filter forms, adding new filters takes a minimum of time
  • The system is ready for scaling
  • The system is optimized and supports high loads
  • Ready for the aging of microservices (via jsonRPC, gRPC protocols)
  • A system for launching asynchronous tasks
  • Cron system with the possibility of starting with an accuracy of up to a second (in the standard crontab, it is per minute)
  •  The code is written modularly, the business logic and the environment are written separately, and services communicate with the environment through DTO
  • Unit tests cover all code

The solution is ready to work in real-time, it takes a minimum of time to set it up. 

Don't waste your time developing your app from trivial tasks - use the innovative complex starter kit.

Try it yourself!

Project Crew

Backend Development
API Routing
Administration Panel
administrative panel
ready-made solution

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