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Paintball VR. Multiplayer Game.

Project Details

Dive into an exhilarating virtual paintball experience with the Paintball VR game, developed to showcase the potential and professional skills of our team in creating virtual reality games with network interaction.

In this demo project-game, users can engage in virtual paintball matches with others online. Some users can create a room and act as hosts, allowing others to join and participate in thrilling paintball battles in a virtual reality setting. Photon service was utilized as a network solution, enabling efficient and cost-effective customization of network interactions.

Our team developed the game prototype from scratch. All original models independently developed from scratch by our 3D Art department.

Target platform: OpenXR (Windows PC VR)

Technologies: Unity, C#, OpenXR, Blender, Photon, Substance Painter, Zbrush, 3ds Max, VR 

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