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Tarot Tap

Project Details

Social Tarot Reading application. 
The application allows users to get the following types of tarot readings:

  • Card of the Day;
  • Past, Present, Future;
  • Love & Relationship;
  • Ambition;
  • Create Own Reading;

During a reading session, the user selects several cards at random (depending on the reading type), after that the user can open the cards one by one, in a strictly set order determined by the reading type (except for the Create Own Reading mode).

Each card has its own animated illustration and description of the meaning of each element on the card (the card’s meaning depends on the type of reading and the position of the card). In the case of Create Own Reading, the user can move cards arbitrarily and open them in any order.

A user can share screenshots and videos from his reading room with other users. A user can invite friends to his reading room using AirDrop (iOS) or Nearby Share (Android). In this scenario, connected users can watch the host user go through tarot reading. Users in the same room can talk to one another and send messages in a chat.

An augmented reality mode is meant for rear and front cameras; in the case of the front camera, the card's illustration is positioned on the user's forehead.

Every day the user receives a notification, which announces a new Card Of The Day. By tapping on this Notification, the user is immediately entered into the reading room where he can see the Card of the Day.

Technologies, services, plugins that we used:

  • Unity
  • Doozy UI
  • AR Foundation
  • Firebase SDK
  • NatDevice
  • Agora
  • Best HTTP (Pro)
  • Native Gallery
  • Native Share
  • Advanced Input Field.

Back-end: Firebase, Socket IO.

Platforms: Android, iOS.

Project Crew

Frontend Development
Unity development for mobile
Project links
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